Let Grief Run It’s Course
We don’t talk about grief enough. Even though it’s with us just the same as happiness. It’s with us in many ways more than it does happiness and joy. It can grip us and choke us. But also be gentle, and just settle on our shoulders throughout the day

Best Money Books
We all need a handle on our money. It makes the world go round and sadly can make or break our lives. A lot goes into that we were never taught. Not by school or our family. If we’re lucky we wouldn’t have gotten any bad habits or beliefs, but that’s doubtful. So we need to be proactive in learning what we need.

The International Wolf Center
I’ve always had a love for wolves. I almost did my major on wildlife management and research. Though I didn’t go that route I have always wanted to keep learning about them. Which is quite funny since The International Wolf Center has always been in my state. It wasn’t until after college that I was able to finally visit.

Doing Odd Jobs To Build What You Want
We have been told very young to pick a career and work towards. With almost lazer-like focus. Go to school or get whatever training you need. Just get the job and make money. But what if what you want doesn’t have an easy path? Or you most do it on your own so its a lot of trial and error? There is no 6 step plan that can be implemented in 2 years. There’s no going back and I sure as hell don’t want to just take an job just because its the easy answer. So sometimes you need to take odd jobs with odd hours just to have the time and space to build what you want.

Making Money Shouldn’t Kill Your Creativity
Starting a business or side hustle is so easy to do now. With so many easy options online and people to teach. But there is still a stigma for a lot of creative work to make money from it. It comes from a combination of things. People not respecting it, not thinking its worth much, or its so easy to do so why should it cost.

Lollapalooza finally came back to Chicago in 2022. And the lineup was jam packed. I only went for 3 of the 4 days. Even though I love music and enjoyed every day I went, I knew I would not have the energy to do it all. But I was in the city for a few days before and after to just hitting museums and going on artist dates.

Art Should Not Be A Luxury
There the joke that rich kids and kids of celebrities all go into some kind of art. But people do not look into that deeply. Seeing that if people have the space to do what they want they want to create. That people want to put something out into the world.

Minnesota State Fair
At the end of August up until Labor Day (12 days) thousands of people head to the Minnesota State Fair grounds to eat, watch shows, compete, and general entertainment. Today, often referred to as the “Great Minnesota Get-Together,” the annual Minnesota State Fair is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the region.

This Is What A Poet Looks Like
We all remember growing up and people (mostly unknowingly) pushing that if you picture a nurse you see a woman, but see a man when thinking of a doctor. But luckily that sexism is changing. Because in every area there are prejudices about who is or should be something. That only rich people deserve vacations. Or only the well educated can have well-paying jobs. Sexism, racism, and classism runs rampant.

What We Take From Art: Words
Words are such a peculiar thing. All language is made up and it took thousands of years before the written language was created. And throughout the years it shifted and changed. In modern times we can see in real-time new slang popping up and when it becomes less used. But that has been happening all throughout history.