What We Take From Art: Visual
One of the great things about technology is that we all have cameras with us. That we can always document great moments in our lives. People forget that we use to rarely have images of us or our loved ones. Its how we see how things were in the past. Remember someone who has passed. See events that should not be forgotten.
Too many just think of Instagram and selfies, like those are all that encompass photos anymore. And those are not bad either. Its a societal critique of people who are actually happy and want to keep that memory. It use to be a luxury to have your photo taken. Cameras have come a long way, not just in price but quality. I love that we just have great cameras right on our phones.
But we have recorded our history in pictures, drawings, and paintings for thousands of years. The oldest known cave painting is a red hand stencil in Maltravieso cave, Cáceres, Spain. It has been dated using the uranium-thorium method to older than 64,000 years and was made by a Neanderthal. We have so much art and history shown around the world from every day life to large events. Scientists believe that the Chauvet Cave “Cave of Forgotten Dreams” could depict a 37,000-Year-Old volcanic eruption.
We’ve all heard stories of family going through older family member’s things after they pass and finding out they fought in a war. or that they never married because they were in love with someone of the same gender. Or even that their parent, who had passed before they met their spouse, was actually the spouse’s grade school teacher. The smallest things can mean the world to a few people. A shared history that can finally be shared.
I have family ans friends who were so happy that I took pictures when we were younger because they do not have photos of themselves from back then. I went to a cousin’s wedding and that was my wedding gift because she had none and never saw what she looked like as a baby and toddler.
And now with the huge push into videos we have actual real time footage of huge events. We would not have the conviction for the death of George Floyd without video. But also the what actually happened during the protests and riots because of his death. That someone from out of state purposefully came to make trouble and stated a fire at a Minneapolis police station. That people could see that many of us volunteered at that time, because most of the media wouldn’t cover that.
But it doesn’t just have to be big things to be important. We all need the fun and silly or a dance video. Sharing a funny date or a reaction to a new song. We should be happy to have these. We are going to want them as we get older. Not only for ourselves but for sharing with the younger generations.
So get in those pictures, make the memories. Take that video of you and your friends to remember. Take up space and make your own history.
Ten poetry book